This past Saturday, November 9th, Soh Daiko hosted a public taiko workshop! Workshop participants were taught the basics of a taiko hit, introduced to the Soh Daiko patterns for Matsuri, and educated on the history of Soh Daiko and taiko in the United States. We capped off the workshop with a taiko jam, where participants played together with Soh Daiko members and let loose with their new taiko skills!
Thank you to the participants who came to our workshop; we were impressed by your efforts! As taiko players ourselves, we know how challenging it can be, both physically and mentally, and we are thankful to everyone for staying engaged and focused over four strenuous hours. This year, participants came from all experience levels, from those who had years of experience to those who were completely new to taiko. We also were happy to see participation from a variety of age groups, a true representation of community.

During the workshop, we loved seeing everyone open up and flourish the more we drummed. And, thanks to the participants’ hard work, we were able to advance more than anticipated! We hope that everyone returned home feeling empowered and inspired by a fresh joy for taiko. On Soh Daiko’s end, we were inspired throughout the workshop by the participants and were reminded of what motivates us to continue playing.
Taiko is more than just a musical artform, it is also about giving to and receiving from the greater community. A wonderful part of taiko is spreading the simple joy of drumming together. We always love sharing the history of taiko and our love for the art with community members, and so we are thankful to the workshop participants for being interested and spending time with us. We hope to see you at future taiko events!