We are happy to announce our two newest performing members, Charlotte Whatley and HanBin Baik! Both Charlotte and HanBin joined our trainee program last fall and have practiced and performed with us throughout the year. You may have seen them playing the in our signature piece “Matsuri” as well as our newest piece, “Tsunagu”, which was taught to us by Kodo.
Charlotte began her taiko career with Gendo Taiko at Brown University, where she played for four years. Outside of Soh Daiko, Charlotte works as a tech analyst at Citigroup and does research on foundational models with the Center for Tech Responsibility at Brown. When she’s not working or playing taiko, Charlotte enjoys playing cello, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

HanBin started Taiko with Stony Brook’s Taiko Tides and continued with New York Taiko Aiko Kai after graduating. He currently works as an App Developer in the Pest Control industry, and additionally serves as a Co-Chair of the Membership Committee in the Taiko Community Alliance. Outside of work and taiko, HanBin enjoys playing the piano and writing music.

We are excited to see Charlotte and HanBin grow as performing members in the years to come. Please join us in offering them your congratulations and full support!