UPDATE – Taiko Workshop: June 8th, Sign up now with PayPal!

Soh Daiko Workshop

Soh Daiko is holding a workshop on June 8th from 1:30pm to 6pm. The workshop introduces the basics of taiko through a short lecture, demonstrations, and guided exercises. No experience is required, although participants must be physically fit.

Please register by emailing jconrad@sohdaiko.org. There is a $40 participants fee, please pay by cash or bring a check to be made out to the New York Buddhist Church / Soh Daiko.

For PayPal payment, click below. Or bring cash or a check made out to Soh Daiko/New York Buddhist Church for the exact amount.

Paypal link:

Secure your spot now!

*Must be 18 or older unless special permission granted by Soh Daiko (email jconrad@sohdaiko.org)

Date: June 8, 2013

Time: 1:30pm – 6pm

Venue: New York Buddhist Church, 331-332 Riverside Drive between West 105 Street and West 106 Street

Participants Fee: $40 (check to NYBC / Soh Daiko or cash)

PLEASE be sure to wear clothes appropriate for exercise! No jewelry, watches, etc! You will have much more fun this way!

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